You might not have guessed it, but I'm from Ohio! I know, big surprise, huh? Go Buckeyes! I was born and raised in Cincinnati, went to school there, and still live there today. Right now I'm in school for nursing, I've only got a few months to go before I graduate. Yay! And yes, just so you know, I got all A's!

I never really thought of myself as photogenic until I was standing in line to see a movie and a guy came up to me and asked if I would model some bikinis for his portfolio. At first I thought he was a weirdo but I took his card and called him up. Turned out he was legit and we did a few photo shoots where I was a little nervous at first but by the time it was over, I knew this was something that I was going to like.

Just being myself is the kind of person that I am. I don't like putting on airs and acting fake which is what I'm told comes across in my photos. I'm like the girl next door but only a little sexier. I like that. The only problem I have is posing for photos. I don't want to look like a dork posing so I'm always experimenting with different ways to position my body. Most of my friends tell me to just act natural and that is easier said than done.

However, posing for photos is a lot of fun and it's another way to get some extra cash in my pocket while I'm in school because as you know books aren't cheap and a girl has got to do what she needs to do to pay the bills. I hope that you enjoy my photos and as time goes on, I will probably post more as I have the time to take them because, of course, my schooling comes first but since it's the summer, right now I have extra time on my hands and since I love hanging out at the beach in bikinis, you're in luck to hopefully see many more photos of me.

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